Join Greenbizz and grow your sustainable bizz with us!

Is your project related to the sustainable and circular economy?

Greenbizz is a community of sustainability actors. To stay true to its spirit, we select our companies.

If you feel that you could be part of our community, make an appointment so that we can assess your initiative against our criteria:

  • Consistency with Greenbizz’ mission in the sustainable and circular economy
  • The financial soundness based on the business plan or annual accounts
  • The level of innovation (technological or business) or differentiation
  • The age of the company or project
  • The job creation potential

02/233 81 00 – Call us directly or fill out the form below

Make an appointment
to present your company
and discover the spaces of Greenbizz



Contact us

02/233 81 00

Rue Dieudonné Lefèvre, 17
1020 Brussels

Open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday